The Decline and Fall of the American EmpireWhere are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket? It sure is getting warm...California attorney general preparing to slam P2P- March 16, 2004 Wired News just ran an article by Xeni exposing a draft letter circulated by Bill Lockyer, California attorney general slamming P2P. The metadata on the Word document shows that it has been editedreviewed by the Motion Picture Association of America. Another example of Hollywood using the US government to push its agenda to blame and limit technology which it views as a threat. It is me, or is this pretty "smoking gun" Joi Ito's Web Is U.S. Grossly Mistreating Guantanamo Prisoners- March 16, 2004 If any significant portion of this story -- told by a recently released Guantanamo Bay "enemy combatant" prisoner -- is true, the United States is probably violating all kinds of international laws. Dan Gillmor's eJournal Bush Administration Invents Journalists to Tout Programs- March 16, 2004 NY Times: U.S. Videos, for TV News, Come Under Scrutiny. Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising the benefits of the new Medicare law, which would be offered to help elderly Americans with the costs of their prescription medicines. The videos are intended for use in local television news programs. Several include pictures of President Bush receiving a standing ovation from a crowd cheering as he... Copyright Cartel Leads California Attorney General by Nose- March 16, 2004 Xeni Jardin got her hands on (Wired News) a draft letter California's state attorney general is circulating among his colleagues in other states. Turns out the letter has the fingerprints of, you guessed it, the copyright cartel in Hollywood. The goal this time is to wipe out or clamp down on peer-to-peer technology. The notion is absurd on its face, because the Internet itself is effectively illegal if this stuff is illegal. Bill Lockyer has been, on balance, a good AG. But he should not be.. ghost writing the CA Attorney General's policies- March 16, 2004 In the latest example of Word not keeping its secrets, Joi reports that the California Attorney General is circulating a draft letter condeming p2p sharing -- a letter authored by the MPAA. Lessig Blog Bush: flag law breaker- March 16, 2004 Skippy sez: "I heard, years ago, about a rule prohibiting the use of the flag in advertising for any means. I committed this to memory, but never looked it up. No one ever believed me when I mentioned it, because I couldn’t cite a reference for it. "I looked this up after seeing a link to this page, which compares the latest updates from Kerry's and Bush's blogs side-by-side (ingenious, if you ask me!). It ticked me off that Bush was using the flag, and I decided to find out whether my... State Attorney - the MPAA's man - urges P2P ban- March 16, 2004 Elected official flaks for Hollywood The Register Bush Family Value$- March 15, 2004 Since George Bush Sr. raised "family values" as a campaign issue repeatedly, though, it seems only fair to take a look at his own family. A computer search showed that over the past five years stories have periodically surfaced chronicling the individual business antics of the president's sons -- each riding comfortably through life in the slipstream of his father's growing power and influence. Office of Special Plans- March 15, 2004 At Salon, a former lieutenant colonel of the U.S. Air Force describes in withering detail what it was like to be inside the Pentagon during the year leading up to the invasion of Iraq. Five pages of tales on the "Office of Special Plans," the neoconservatives who run it, their continuous bungling, and most significantly, their willful and calculated manipulation of reality to build a case for war on Iraq from the flimsiest premises. birdhouse.org |