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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2004

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket? It sure is getting warm...

George Bush is never wrong - April 12, 2004

The Bush Administration can't admit to mistakes. They have to be right all the time. As their time in office increases, they are spending more time fighting rear-guard actions trying to prove that they were right or cover up the fact that they were wrong. At the moment, they are refraining from releasing Clinton-era records relating to al Qaeda, almost certainly because they contradict assertions about Clinton made by Bush officials. They have to be right, even when they're wrong. The...

Howard Stern and the First Amendment - April 12, 2004

The odious Clear Channel radio barony's firing of Howard Stern only puts a period at the end of the sentence. The people who run that company are contemptible, because their action combines flagrant politics and cowardice -- quite a combination. But save your real contempt for the FCC, its cowardly chairman, Michael Powell, and his craven colleagues. Egged on by a Congress that has shown frightening disdain for free speech, the FCC has gone on its only holy war against "indecency." Dan...

The Fall of the Fourth Amendment - April 5, 2004

The Fourth Amendment protects US citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. In Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi, however, the requirement that police obtain warrants before searching a building is under attack.

Did You Know - April 4, 2004

Did you know that in January 2001, the United States Commission on National Security, co-chaired by former senators Gary Hart (D) and Warren Rudman (R), delivered a report to President Bush and Congress concerning the threat of terrorism Did you know that the report "warned that a devastating terrorist attack on America was imminent and called for the immediate creation of a Cabinet-level homeland security agency" Did you know that in the spring of 2001, spurred on by this report, members of..

MSBlast epidemic far larger than believed - April 4, 2004

CNET has learned that the worm compromised millions of computers, far more than was previously thought. CNET

Senator Daschle's statement on the abuse of government power - April 2, 2004

In recent days leading congressional Republicans are now calling for an investigation into Mr. Clarke. As I mentioned earlier, Secretary O'Neill was also subjected to an investigation. Clarke and O'Neill sought legal and classification review of any information in their books before they were published. Nonetheless, our colleagues tell us these two should be investigated, at the same time there has been no Senate investigation into the leaking of Valerie Plame's identity as a deep cover CIA...
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