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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for June 2004

The Marprelate Tracts

Web-log for political, social and media commentary.

Whoops he did it again - June 18, 2004

Bush's spokesmen are now saying that the debunking of his and Cheney's claims that Iraq was in cahoots with Osama and in on 9-11 miss the mark because, according to White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett: "President Bush has made it very clear that there was not direct evidence linking to the 911 plot, and never did he make that suggestion." Really Then how do they explain this justification for the Iraq war ...acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is...

Two more reasons... - June 17, 2004

... its called the "So-Called Liberal Media": Big Bird Flies Right and, of course, from that citadel of "supposed liberalism" -- "the War Witch who sold America on the existence of weapons of mass destruction."

Must read -- incisive take on the torture scandals - June 17, 2004

What is difficult is separating what we now know from what we have long known but have mostly refused to admit. Though the events and disclosures of the last weeks have taken on the familiar clothing of a Washington scandal&151;complete with full-dress congressional hearings, daily leaks to reporters from victim and accused alike, and of course the garish, spectacular photographs and videos from Abu Ghraib&151;beyond that bright glare of revelation lies a dark area of unacknowledged clarity....

Congrats to the Pistons - June 16, 2004

It's nice to see a team win the ultimate team game for a change. Like many, I loathed the Lakers this season -- the arrogance, the sense of entitlement, the lack of fundamentals, the personalities, the hype. How did the Pistons do it Everyone points to their defense, which is part of the answer, certainly. They took good advantage of the new rules that enable a team to truly play team defense, but they also made a commitment to guarding all of the Lakers and using lots of bodies -- long, quick.

scandals galore - June 15, 2004

Here's a nice summary of the two torture memos (Pentagon in 2003, Justice dept in 2002) in terms of time line. And here is a PDF of the actual Justice department torture memo that Ashcroft refused to share with Congress. (It basically OKs anything that doesn't maim or kill). Gosh, with Halliburton no-bid contracts being arranged out of the VPs office, the investigation into the theft of Democratic Senators correspondence, the on-going Plame investigation, the exposure of the false stats...
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