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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for June 2004

The Marprelate Tracts

Web-log for political, social and media commentary.

We're moving! - June 30, 2004

Please visit our new home at

Torture Scandal Won't Go Away - June 24, 2004

'They said this is America . . . if a soldier orders you to take off your clothes, you must obey' We know about Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib but until now Bagram and America's secret network of Afghan jails have come under little scrutiny. In a major investigation, Duncan Campbell and Suzanne Goldenberg discovered a familiar pattern of violent abuse and sexual humiliation. But remember, Bush never condoned "torture" -- but only because his legal beagles had redefined "torture" as death and..

Big Dog on the SCLM - June 24, 2004

Bill Clinton: I was genuinely confused by the mainstream press coverage of Whitewater... One day, after one of our budget meetings in October, I asked Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming to stay a moment to talk. Simpson was a conservative Republican, but we had a pretty good relationship because of the friendship we had in common with his governor, Mike Sullivan. I asked Alan if he thought Hillary and I had done anything wrong in Whitewater. 'Of course not,' he said. 'That's not what this is...

Names Who needs any stinkin' last names - June 23, 2004

The desperation of the bushies is growing ever more evident. Take the attempt to claim that two men with different names are in reality the same person -- based on the sole evidence of their names! That's the blarney the bushies had 911 investigator Lehmann trot out on Sunday on Meet the Press. No doubt, they did it not in the belief that it would convince many but those who are already in their camp, but more in order to simply muddy the waters. Still, you have to wonder if Lehmann likes...

What's up with Ryans from Ill - June 23, 2004

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Jack Ryan's ex-wife, TV actress Jeri Ryan, accused him of taking her to sex clubs in New York and Paris, where he tried to coerce her into having sex with him in front of strangers, according to records released Monday from the couple's California divorce file. read more here

Interior design - June 23, 2004

Who knew When the army said they wanted to Gitmo-ize Abu Ghraib they really were talking about decor...

A dollar short... - June 22, 2004

and a day late... Editors of The New Republic (falsely labeled a "left-leaning weekly") finally admit the obvious: Iraq War was a bad idea

Media tids and bits - June 22, 2004

Here are the SCLM at it again, perpetrating the tried and true propaganda foolishness that unless the Democratic nominee is penniless, he must be a hypocrite. (No mention made of the GOP's net worth.) And here is a nice summation of Tricky Dick Cheney versus the editorial board of the NY Times (which is oddly liberal, in contrast to the SC liberalism of the newsroom). Here's a choice quote: The Times editorial, titled "Show Us the Proof," said it was "surprised by the depth and ferocity of the.

Bush can read - June 22, 2004

And here's confirmation that Bush does indeed look at the headlines on the front pages of major newspapers-- even if he doesn't actually read the stories. Matthew Cooper writes in Time magazine that Bush "was furious when he saw a New York Times headline saying NO QAEDA-IRAQ TIE." But Cooper writes: "When it comes to describing purported connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam, the Bush Administration sometimes sounds like a teenager carefully delineating the different shades of romance from...

Hannity held accountable - June 18, 2004

More hi-jinks from the SCLM: Speaking at the Take Back America conference on June 3, American Progress CEO John Podesta said, "I think when you get so distant from the facts as -- as guys like Limbaugh and Sean Hannity do, yeah, I think that tends to -- it kind of -- it tends to corrupt the dialogue."  Apparently he struck a nerve with Fox News' Sean Hannity. Hannity challenged Podesta to "defend and explain one example where I -- where I said something that was so false."  Since...
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