azerisinusa at Yahoo! GroupsAzeri's In USABenuluks Azerbaijanlilari Konqresi niye parchalanir- June 26, 2008 Bu qeyd ediln ilr imza atan qurumun iki aparc simas sdr Sahil Qasmov v icra direktor Elman Mustafazad arasnda olan mbahisli DAK Brussel Qurultayi TEKLIFLER- June 18, 2008 DAK haqqnda ox danmaq istmirm. Mn tarixi sevmirm. Kemid olanlar yada salaraq tssflnmk v ka ki, bu bel olayd Your profile has been added to my personal space!- June 15, 2008 Your profile has been added to my personal space! Check my space here: http:misschevus.zoomshare.comfilesmyspace.htm I have added you to my friends network today!- June 1, 2008 I created this cool friends network and added you to my friends network. Hit-up now: http:mrittany.topcities.comgirlfriend.htm |