Surfin' SafariDave Hyatt's WeblogMoving Time- June 30, 2005 Now that WebKit has its own web site on OpenDarwin, it's time for this blog to change. For starters, Surfin' Safari has now moved to here. Another big change is that I will no longer be the only person talking to you about Safari and WebKit changes. Some of the other members of the team will be posting about what they're working on as well. I will leave this blog up here so that all the links remain valid, but all subsequent posts will be to the new blog. Update your bookmarks. :) Nokia Uses WebCore- June 13, 2005 Nokia uses WebCore in a new mobile browser for the Series 60 platform. The Improved Web Kit- June 7, 2005 We've already received and committed several patches from external contributors and the repository has only been live for a few hours! As some of you have already noticed (those of you that built), the new Web Kit not only passes Acid2, but it's also substantially faster at loading Web pages and at handling JavaScript. It contains a number of additional performance improvements that went in post-Tiger. One question people have asked is "Does this have to replace my system frameworks" The... Say Hello to WebKit!- June 7, 2005 As some of you may have heard at WWDC Monday, the Safari team is proud to announce that we are making significant changes in the way we operate, and these changes start today. Here is what we are launching: 1., the new web site for WebKit, WebCore and JavaScriptCore. 2. Full CVS access to WebCore and JavaScriptCore, our frameworks based on khtml and kjs. This repository includes the complete history of the project, so all patches past and present can be viewed. 3.... |