Tucumcari NewsLocal news for Tucumcari, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.By air, by land Route 66 logos will be visible to tourists- June 30, 2008 On June 27, 1985, Route 66 was officially decommissioned as a federal highway. In Tucumcari, 23 years later, to the day, members of city's Lodgers Tax Advisory Board were trying to get Route 66 back on the ...http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/by-air-by-land-route-66-logos-will-be-visib... Severe thunderstorm warning in effect this afternoon for Quay County- June 28, 2008 A severe thunderstrom warning for southwestern Quay County has been issued by the National Weather Service in Albuquerque.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/severe-thunderstorm-warning-in-effect-this-... Frozen custard in Tucumcari I'm there- June 26, 2008 I found this fascinating little tidbit in the Quay County Sun about the CornerStone Deli, a fairly new restaurant on Route 66 in Tucumcari, N.M. It's in an old Pizza Hut building, and is open from 7 a.m. to 9 ...http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/frozen-custard-in-tucumcari-im-there?fromrs... 'Tucumcari Tonite' slogan to return to billboards- June 25, 2008 "Tucumcari Tonite" will be returning to billboards advertising the city to motorists on Interstate 40 and U.S. 54.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/tucumcari-tonite-slogan-to-return-to-billbo... Sweep helps protect No. 1 cash crop- June 24, 2008 A sweep net may be one of the farmers' best tools to protect and improve alfalfa crop yields, said Mark Muegge, entomologist specialist from the Texas Cooperative Extension office based in Fort Stockton.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/sweep-helps-protect-no-1-cash-crop?fromrss=... Millionaire born between Logan, Nara Visa- June 22, 2008 On Highway 54, between Logan and Nara Visa, was the small town of Obar. Now only a cemetery, Obar was the birth place of Frank G. Berlin, who became a millionaire and more.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/millionaire-born-between-logan-nara-visa?fr... Gaming Authority preps for Racing Commission visit- June 20, 2008 In 37 days, the state's Racing Commission will be in Tucumcari to hear what the community thinks about a proposed casino and racetrack off of Route 66 between Mountain Road and Interstate 40.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/gaming-authority-preps-for-racing-commissio... Hail and strong winds possible in Quay County- June 18, 2008 There is a slight risk of isolated thunderstorms later today in Tucumcari and Quay County that could produce severe hail and winds in excess of 60 mph, said meteorologist Brian Guyer of the National Weather ...http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/hail-and-strong-winds-possible-in-quay-coun... History + Bush =- June 16, 2008 Congressman Peter DeFazio www.defazio.house.gov Topic: Who are the fatcats that are killing our economy...why... Listen to Ring of Fire at 3pm.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/history-bush?fromrss=1 Thunderstorms possible in New Mexico this weekend- June 14, 2008 Increasing low-level moisture over New Mexico's eastern plains will fuel afternoon and evening thunderstorms in the area Saturday and Sunday, the National Weather Service said.http://www.topix.net/city/tucumcari-nm/2008/06/thunderstorms-possible-in-new-mexico-this-w... |