The Chronicle of Anthony K. ValleyChristian - Husband - Father - Servant/Minister - Musician - Web Application Developer - American - Reformed/CharismaticOrder Sixty-Six- April 8, 2005 What is Order Sixty-Six Order Sixty-Six is the climax of the Clone Wars. Not the end &8212; the Clone Wars will end some few hours from now, when a coded signal, sent by Nute Gunray from the secret Separatist bunker on Mustafar, deactivates every combat droid in the galaxy at once &8212; but the climax. It&8217;s not a thrilling climax; it&8217;s not the culmination of an epic struggle. Just the opposite, in fact. The Clone Wars were never an epic struggle. They were never intended to... Outrageous Gas Prices in North Little Rock, Arkansas- April 4, 2005 On my way to work this morning, I saw this sign at a local gas station and had to take a picture to capture the moment. The local EXXON station offers these fine choices: Regular $21.90 per gallon Plus $2.29 per gallon Super $239.90 per gallon I bought 4.5 gallons of the regular. It&8217;s a good thing that the pumps have the decimals in the right places. Corner of West Main Street and North Pershing (map) Full size image Technorati: Gas+Prices Exxon North Little Rock, AR Arkansas Using phpBB as your MovableType comment engine- April 1, 2005 In the near future, I will be moving the In The Faith blogs to this commenting system. I hate filtering through comment spam, although Jay&8217;s MT-Blacklist, does an excellent job, the comment management is TOO tedious. |