Amused In ReviewJ'amuse, et encore j'amuse, et toujours j'amuseComicSpace- December 12, 2006 I&39;ve got a space on ComicSpace (more or less MySpace for comics fans and creators). I&39;m not entirely sure what I&39;m going to use it for...eventually they plan on letting you host comics, list your favorites, and various other things, but right now it just lets you make a public profile and set up a network of friends. So far I&39;ve rediscovered several online friends that I&39;d lost touch with, so it&39;s been well worth it for that alone. Come on along and make a (free) space, and. Piperka Profile- December 12, 2006 My Piperka Profile You can follow the link to see all the comics that I track... |