Terry Fallis' "The Best Laid Plans" wins the 2008 Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour- April 30, 2008 The news just came through here in the Thornley Fallis office and we are all quite literally jumping with excitement and joy.Our co-founder, colleague and friend, Terry Fallis - one of the nicest, smartest, most modest and just utterly charming people one could ever hope to meet - was just announced as the winner of the famous Stephen Leacock Medal For Humour.Knowing that the award announcement luncheon was happening today up in Orillia, I'll confess that I've been refreshing my Google News...http://michaelocc.com/2008/04/terry-fallis-best-laid-plans-wins-2008.html I <3 Viigo- April 24, 2008 A couple of weeks ago I had the misfortune of losing my Blackberry to a casual thief. Grrrr. That sucked.Now that I have a replacement in hand, one of the things I really wasn't looking forward to was getting everything re-tweaked to work the way I'd customized the previous device. It's a pain to have to go back through and set up all the old shortcuts and favourite apps I'd already tweaked to work precisely the way I liked on the old handheld.When it came to reinstalling Viigo, however, the..http://michaelocc.com/2008/04/i-3-viigo.html Not exactly the Friday evening Ruairi had planned- April 19, 2008 We got home about 90 minutes ago from Toronto East General Hospital, after four hours of hanging around, X-rays, and examinations.I was just on my way home when Leona called with the news that Ruairi had come down badly on the trampoline and hurt himself. He landed hard with his arm underneath him and his wrist bent back on itself. Ouch! It looks like he may have what they tell me is a "SALTR-1" - that is, a type I Salter-Harris fracture of the radius bone in his right wrist (it's a crack...http://michaelocc.com/2008/04/not-exactly-friday-evening-ruairi-had.html The PICK 20 Awards from Backbone Magazine & KPMG- April 17, 2008 Now that the dust is settling on the judging process, I have a moment to blab about my participation in this terrific awards program being run by KPMG and Backbone Magazine.The PICK 20 Awards are designed to result in Canada's first and only ranking of Canadian Web 2.0 pioneers. From the original description the Backbone chaps sent me a month or so ago:We're looking for the companies who are leading the way in one or more of the following implementation categories: Problem solving: customer...http://michaelocc.com/2008/04/pick-20-awards-from-backbone-magazine.html |