Advogato blog for mpesentiAdvogato blog for mpesenti29 Apr 2004- April 29, 2004 I'm doing some very boring work to cleanup epiphany mozilla inclusions and separate public api, private api, api incompatible with embed string. We are actually doing better than I thought. We are not using that much private stuff and incompatibility with embed strings looks fixable. I think this will help me figuring out stuff we need to fix in mozilla SDK. Got approval for another Mozilla SDK bug. I have not been able to get someone to check it in so far though : Mozilla patch lifecycle is. 28 Apr 2004- April 28, 2004 Very interesting thread about Mozilla cross-platformness, starring Brendan Eich and MPT. 27 Apr 2004- April 27, 2004 Finally I've been able to post the gnome print integration plan bug. I think it's a great, concrete chance to work with mozilla developers on something that will affect both epiphany and firefox, let's not waste it ;) 21 Apr 2004- April 21, 2004 Frustration: being on a meeting with a bunch of incredible people, having lots of things to say and not be able to get involved or even understand the conversation because you cant talk or understand their language. Sorry, I really hope I'll find ways to be more useful : 21 Apr 2004- April 21, 2004 jorn I hope you will reconsider the backend switch. Could you explain, in detail, what are the issues with gstreamer Bug numbers, criticisms of the framework design, blames on the maintainers to not deal with your requests... everything would be useful to identify the problem and try to solve it in a reasonable timeframe. I'm convinced a bit more communication would hugely improve the situation. My fight with mozilla SDK continues. It's taking a lot of my time but I think it's necessary, it's.. |