the KlezmerShack'The roadmap to world music from a Jewish slant'. We cover Klezmer and more, focusing on the edges and the sounds that express who we are now. We also provide the place for klezmorim, reputable musicians, fans, and scholars to network online.Y-Love This is Babylon- June 30, 2008 My knowledge of rap and hip-hop is extraordinarily limited. Many years ago there were some awful shtick bands replicating every possible to-be-forgotten bad Jewish stereotype using rap. Then we crossed some barrier and it seemed to be part of the vocabulary of Jewish music-makers. We not only got Jewish rappers in the mainstream media, but groups like the Hip-Hop Hoodíos, and Matisyahu, and SoCalled started doing something that sounded like the rap I hear elsewhere, but it had this... Three new reviews by Keith Wolzinger- June 30, 2008 While my back was turned, Keith Wolzinger has zipped out three more reviews which are now copied here to the KlezmerShack. First, he beat me to the punch and reviewed the most recent Metropolitan Klezmer CD, the deliciously live, "Traveling Show." For hard-driving, enormously fun, American-style klezmer, this band cannot be beat (nor, given Eve at the drumkit, can they lose the beat!) Next up is singer Lori Cahan-Simon's latest collection of lesser-known Yiddish songs that, had we been... Judy Frankel, z"l- June 29, 2008 Sephardic singer Judy Frankel died of cancer on March 20, 2008. Judith Cohen immediately wrote a remembrance, but I had no time to get it online before departing for travels to Israel. Frankel's role in documenting the music and making it available was tremendous, so with great pleasure, I have finally uploading Dr. Cohen's Remembering Judy Frankel New releases at UK's "Jewish Music"- June 29, 2008 As long as I'm directing folks to this country's Hatikvah Music, I should also mention some excellent and intriguing new releases across the pond from Jewish Music Distribution. These start off with Moshe Berlin's great new release from Israel, "Melodies from Jerusalem, The Musical Tradition of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Communities of Amsterdam, London and New York. They also have the new Veretski Pass CD, Trafik, of course, and lots more. Check them out. Fresher Reviews from Professor Robinson: Israel at 60- June 29, 2008 I entirely overlooked this set of even newer reviews by George Robinson featuring new Israeli music, ranging from Yeminite Diwan to modern Jazz. Take a gander at A 60th Sampler, June 29, 2008, again, from the Jewish Week by the esteemed musicator. For the curious, the featured CD, With Songs They Respond: The Diwan of the Jews from Central Yemen, is available from our friends at Hatikvah Music International. E-mail SimonHatikvah right away and enjoy! A fresh set of reviews from George Robinson- June 29, 2008 Okay, these have been online for a few months—catching up means that I get to post a lot of stuff that some people will have already seen. But, this is an incredible set of reviews, covering almost everyone on my own current listening list, and on the "must review very soon or I will be depressed at not getting the word out: Michael Winograd's "Bessarabian Hop," David Buchbinder's excellent "OdessaHavana," the hot new Veretski Pass, "Trafik," and that's just a few of the gems reviewed... KlezKamp Channel on YouTube - new clips- June 29, 2008 Well, first of all, you can view the KlezKamp channel on YouTube (to which you can even subscribe with your ipod or newsreader) at Recent posts include "KlezKamp 2007 - Carpathian Jewish Wedding Band (Part 1)": and KlezKamp 2007 - Dance by Felix Fibich's class Jewish podcasts that don't suck- June 29, 2008 Well, obviously Keith Wolzinger's Klezmer Podcast would be one of the featured podcasts mentioned. Even better, commentors to the article have added other names with contact info. Check it out! Jewish Podcasts That Don't Suck, byby Elizabeth Alpern, from the "New Voices" Student Jewish newspaper While I'm at it, Keith has been busily releasing new podcasts regularly: Podcast 31 featured Brian Bender, whose recent "Little Shop of Horas" CD is attracting a lot of attention Podcast 32 captures... Krakow Jewish Culture Festival concerts to be streamed online- June 29, 2008 It's Krakow Jewish Culture Festival Time! Several of the concerts are being broadcast, starting with today's cantorial concert. Krakow time is GMT+1, or 6 hours later than here on the US East Coast. To catch the7pm local time concert, tune in at 1pm EST, or the equivalent for wherever you are. There will be concerts all week, most at 7pm and 10pm Krakow time. www.dni-kultury-zydowskiej.infoen New YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe- June 28, 2008 Helen Winkler writes: The new two volume YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, published by Yale University press, has just been issued. It is an inspiring accomplishment with invaluable text and fine illustrations. Dance in covered from pages 387-392, comprising three articles. The overview and Traditional Dance are written by Walter Zev Feldman and Theatrical Dance by Judith Brin Ingber. There are some cross-references also. It is a recommended resource. |