Updated Fink Packages (Unstable)Updated Packages Released to the Unstable Tree in the Last 5 Days.chemtool-1.6.9-2 (Draws 2-D pictures of organic molecules, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 Chemtool is a program for drawing organic molecules easily and store them as a Postscript, X-Bitmap, LaTeX or XFig file. It runs under X-Windows and is written with GTK+. commit log from dmacks: propagate new version; slightly more portable depshttp://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/chemtool#1.6.9-2 glpk-4.14-1 (GNU Linear Programming Kit, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 The GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. GLPK supports the GNU MathProg language, which is a subset of the AMPL language. The GLPK package includes the following main components: Revised simplex method. Primal-dual interior point method. Branch-and-bound method. .http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/glpk#4.14-1 mysql-5.0.34-5 (Open Source SQL database, 10.4-transitional tree)- February 12, 2007 Open Source SQL database commit log from asari: Fixed some filenameshttp://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/mysql#5.0.34-5 mysql-ssl-5.0.34-5 (Open Source SQL database, 10.4-transitional tree)- February 12, 2007 Open Source SQL database commit log from asari: Fixed some filenameshttp://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/mysql-ssl#5.0.34-5 libkpathsea4-3.0-1004 (Complete distribution of the TeX typesetting system, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 Complete distribution of the TeX typesetting system commit log from okayama: Revert the Maintainer field. (previous change is a mistake)http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/libkpathsea4#3.0-1004 emacs21-21.3.50-20041117-3 (Flexible real-time text editor, v21.3, with X11 support, 10.3 tree)- February 12, 2007 GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. Through its extensibility, it is actually much more than an editor. You can use it as a file manager, mail reader, web browser, and for many other tasks. Some people even use it to control their coffee machine. This package installs GNU Emacs with support for the X window system. If you don't want X11 support, install the emacs21-nox package instead. commit log from dmacks: Revision cleanuphttp://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/emacs21#21.3.50-20041117-3 gsasl9-0.2.15-1001 (GNU Simple Authentication and Security Layer, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 GNU SASL is an implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer framework and a few common SASL mechanisms. SASL is used by network servers (e.g., IMAP, SMTP) to request authentication from clients, and in clients to authenticate against servers. GNU SASL contains a library (libgsasl), a command line utility (gsasl) to access the library from the shell, and a manual. The library includes support for the SASL framework (with authentication functions and application data privacy...http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/gsasl9#0.2.15-1001 emacs21-nox-21.3.50-20041117-1004 (Flexible real-time text editor, v21.3, for console use, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. Through its extensibility, it is actually much more than an editor. You can use it as a file manager, mail reader, web browser, and for many other tasks. Some people even use it to control their coffee machine. This package installs GNU Emacs without support for the X window system. It will only run inside Terminal.app or other terminal emulators, like the Emacs build shipped by Apple. Install the...http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/emacs21-nox#21.3.50-20041117-1004 emacs21-xaw3d-21.3.50-20041117-1004 (Flexible real-time text editor, v21.3, with X11 support & 3D scrollbars, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. Through its extensibility, it is actually much more than an editor. You can use it as a file manager, mail reader, web browser, and for many other tasks. Some people even use it to control their coffee machine. This package installs GNU Emacs with support for the X window system. If you don't want X11 support, install the emacs21-nox package instead. commit log from dmacks: Revision cleanuphttp://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/emacs21-xaw3d#21.3.50-20041117-1004 pcb-1.99.20070208p1-1 (Printed Circuit Board design program, 10.4 tree)- February 12, 2007 PCB allows you to design printed circuit boards. You can use gnetlist (part of the geda-gnetlist package) to create a netlist to ensure that your PCB matches a schematic diagram created with gschem. PCB can create Gerber output files (both RS-274D and RS274X) and Excellon drill files that you can send to board vendors for manufacturing. You can also create PostScript plots of the board for verification purposes, or to create your own photolithography masks for etching. This snapshot includes..http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/pcb#1.99.20070208p1-1 |