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Feed items 21 - 27 of 27 for October 2001

ASP Alliance

The #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!

Basic XML: XSL - October 5, 2001

Using XSL to view XML Data with classic asp

Easy ADO RecordSet Paging - October 3, 2001

The article demonstrates the use of ADO Recordset paging. Paging is invaluable for splitting up the results of database queries into manageable screens of data

VBScript Regular Expressions - October 3, 2001

Using regular expressions with VBScript - a brief introduction

News: NT4; going, going .. - October 3, 2001

Microsoft winding down NT 4 sales

MC: Sun's Passport Competitor - October 3, 2001

Sun has formed an Alliance to create a rival system to combat Microsoft Passport system.

Specifications - October 2, 2001

In part 2 of the "Do it right" series, Chris discusses functional and technical specifications and why they are important

HTTP, PerlScript and ASP - October 1, 2001

PerlScript's facilities for handling HTTP and HTML are an excellent reason for using this overlooked alternative scripting language for ASP
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