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Feed items 1 - 10 of 57 for July 2001

ASP Alliance

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SQL: Custom WHERE in SPROC - July 31, 2001

When you need to customize your WHERE clause in a stored procedure to account for an unknown number of possible parameters, such as in the case of a search engine, avoid building SQL strings by using this technique.

Book Review: ASP.NET 21 Days - July 31, 2001

Could one of the first beginner ASP.NET books also be one of the best

"Email this link" Script - July 31, 2001

Using the Form To EMail script to add a "send to friend" facility to your site.

Retrieve File Info In ASP.NET - July 31, 2001

It's easy to get information about a file, including size and create date, using the .NET Framework's FileInfo class.

News: 29-July-2001 - July 30, 2001

Free Visual Basic.NET book and NT4 Patch

Basic form to email script - July 30, 2001

By popular demand .. kind of

Easy Client Updates! - July 28, 2001

With this code you can enable your clients to do their own updates using the FileSystemObject. Set up is simple and modificationsenhancements are straight forward.

ASP.NET:Database Code Builder - July 27, 2001

Beta 2 compliant Database Code Builder. Includes some new features!

Directory Listing - July 27, 2001

List all files in a directory

ASP.NET: Hide DataGrid Columns - July 27, 2001

Code sample and explanation on hiding columns in a datagrid.
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