Technology Evaluation CentersTechnology Evaluation Centers - News Analysis and Research. Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. (TEC) is the impartial advocate for end users and purchasers of enterprise software solutions. It has aided IT professionals with software selection since 1993.Ambitious Plans and Promises: An Enterprise Software Provider Keeps Its Word- June 30, 2008 With its numerous new software license sales, new product deliveries, and its dedication to complicated technological rejuvenation (namely, an ambitious open service-oriented architecture strategy), Infor's position and image in the market these days are at an all-time high. How Project Portfolio Management Can Deal a Winning Hand to the SMB Project Manager- June 27, 2008 Project portfolio management (PPM), once a solution only larger organizations could afford, enables companies to analyze, recommend, authorize, activate, expedite, and monitor projects. In recent years, however, small to medium businesses have been able to benefit from PPM too, through software-as-a-service models of this tool. Yet Another Branding Debacle (This Time, It's ERP for Services)- June 25, 2008 Organizations providing billable services to their clients can benefit from an enterprise resource planning solution. But what makes ERP for services different from solutions known as product portfolio management for professional services automation And which is best for your organization Six Misconceptions about Data Migration- June 23, 2008 A truly successful data migration project involves not only an understanding of how to migrate the data from a technical standpoint, but an understanding of how that data will be used and its importance to the operation of the enterprise. Welcome to ERP Showdown! - Infor SyteLine vs. Exact Software Macola ES vs. QAD Enterprise Application- June 23, 2008 Today's ERP Showdown pits Infor SyteLine vs. Exact Software Macola ES vs. QAD Enterprise Application, all aimed at medium-sized businesses in the $250 million (USD)plus range. Once again, we used TEC's ERP Evaluation Center to look at all eight standard ERP modules EAM versus CMMS: What's Right for Your Company- June 20, 2008 This article looks at where computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) end and enterprise asset management (EAM) takes over, focusing on features and functionality of EAM software. It also compares CMMS and EAM software and explores the two key differentiators. Warehouse Management for Manufacturers: Why Extended ERP Might Be the Right Choice- June 16, 2008 As a provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) integrated workforce productivity solutions, we have seen many approaches to distribution automation. Adding a warehouse management system is a logical option for many manufacturers, but this article provides insight into another option: extending ERP distribution capabilities to take advantage of a single receiving, inventory, shipping database. "Star Search"Talent Management Made Simple- June 13, 2008 One of the biggest challenges businesses face today in the area of human resources is the recruitment and retention of skilled talent. Combining a talent management strategy with an integrated talent management system can help ensure you have the right people in place to meet your organization's needs. Security Risk Assessment and Management in Web Application Security- June 6, 2008 Corporations are at risk because Web applications and servers make them susceptible to hackers and cyber crooks. However, companies can perform security risk assessments that mitigate risk by applying security risk management policies designed to protect a company's data. Open Platform Provider Answers Questions about the State of the Market- June 4, 2008 Rather than offering the customary opinions and analysis of major market trends beforehand and then giving the involved vendors a chance for a factual review and feedback, this time Technology Evaluation Centers has attempted to solicit vendors' proactive views. |