Yukari's CBC Segment- February 22, 2008 Woot &8212; almost 8 minutes of Yukari holding forth on HD-DVD versus Blu-ray: Click to listen...http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/yukaris_cbc_segment.html Yukari: On CBC's "The Current" tomorrow- February 21, 2008 Attention Yukari fans: She will be on CBC&8217;s morning news show, The Current, talking about the victory of Blu-ray over HD-DVD. You can listen here: http:www.cbc.cathecurrent...http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/yukari_on_cbcs_the_current_tom.html Luxury-Sized Guests- February 14, 2008 Today&8217;s piece of euphemistic jargon is &8220;luxury-sized guests&8221;. Use it in a sentence Sure thing: The vehicles on Expedition Everest are the biggest ever used on a Disney ride. We had to make them larger to accommodate our luxury-sized guests....http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/luxurysized_guests.html Make a reservation, get a rebate- February 12, 2008 We were discussing strange restaurant practices with friends the other day when Yukari trotted out a story that I hadn&8217;t heard before. When you made a reservation at a nice place in Japan, many places used to give you a...http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/make_a_reservation_get_a_rebat.html What's one consonant between friends- February 7, 2008 I went to this little neighborhood restaurant for dinner last night. I sat down at the counter, and the owner wished me a happy new year, since he hadn&8217;t seen me yet in 2008. The conversation then proceeded as follows:...http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/whats_one_consonant_between_fr.html Smoke on the Water: Japan Style- February 1, 2008 A traditional-ish Japanese orchestra plays (and sings!) Deep Purple&8217;s Smoke on the Water. Worth listening to just for the noise the audience makes when they recognize the opening: (thanks, jde!)...http://www.patrick.com/front/archives/2008/02/smoke_on_the_water_japan_style.html |