use PerlAll the Perl that's Practical to Extract and ReportADMIN: and misdirected mail- June 28, 2008 Just as a heads up, we've discovered that has started to send out mail about bugs to CPAN authors who aren't actually maintainers of the distribution.The bug is the unintended consequence of some work we've been doing to make faster and easier to use.I could claim that it's a cool new feature to help better publicize issues in CPAN distributions, but I can't quite bring myself to lie like that.We're working on the issue and will get it sorted out as quickly as we... Rakudo Perl now passing over 1000 spectests!- June 27, 2008 Rakudo spec regression status: 75 files, 1080 passing tests Rakudo Perl is now passing over 1000 tests in the official test suite! http:www.pmichaud.comperl6rakudo-tests-2008-06-27.png For those who are interested, the history of test results is available in CSV format from http:svn.perl.orgparrottrunklanguagesperl6docsspectest-progress.csv . Thanks to Jonathan, Moritz, Auzon, bacek, particle, Coke, chromatic, and everyone else who is helping to make this happen!Read more of this story at use... This Week on perl5-porters - 14-20 June 2008- June 27, 2008 This Week on perl5-porters - 14-20 June 2008 David Nicol: Does pushing all exceptions to whenever $ gets assigned to break anythingAbigail: In theory, it could, as is a "normal" array that can be used as such. But I doubt anything serious will break. I'd say anyone that uses a punctuation variable that currently has no special meaning does so at hisher own risk, and doesn't have the right to complain if it does get special meaning.-- Abigail, suggesting that a little backwards... 3 days left to submit a proposal to host YAPC::Europe 2009- June 27, 2008 This is the final for the Call for Venue for YAPC::Europe 2009. There are still three days left to send in your proposal! Call for Venue While we are all looking forward to YAPC::Europe 2008 in Copenhagen, it's time for the YAPC::Europe Venue Committee to consider suitable hosts for the 2009 conference. Any dedicated group interested in hosting YAPC::Europe::2009 should send a brief statement of intent to as soon as possible. For this first statement of intent a few lines... Catalyst 5.71 is nigh- June 27, 2008 We&39;re approaching the two-year anniversary of the first release in the 5.7x series of the Catalyst framework. I&39;m really proud of how 5.7x has gone -- it has given the project some much needed stability that was missing in the early goings. It still amuses me to look back at the changelog to watch it go from version 3.X (which is basically "Catalyst 1.0") to 5.X in the span of about two and a half months.Although development was obviously very fast-paced then, with 14 releases... Perl 6 Design Minutes for 11 June 2008- June 27, 2008 The Perl 6 design team met by phone on 11 June 2008. Larry, Allison, Patrick, Jerry, Jesse, Nicholas, and chromatic attended.Read more of this story at use Perl. Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2008- June 26, 2008 The Pittsburgh Perl Mongers are hard at work planning this years Pittsburgh Perl Workshop. (We are also planing YAPC::NA 09 but more on that later. But go ahead and mark your calendars for June 22 through Wednesday, June 24, 2009). Mark your calendars this years PPW will be October 11th and 12th 2008. At this year YAPC::NA I was surprised at how much was going on before and after YAPC. So if you plan on coming to PPW and would like to have a hack-a-thon or something before or after the official. Win a free OSCON registration- June 25, 2008 I have one 100% discount code (or two 50% ones) to give out for OSCON. Now I have to figure out how to award it, but I'm not going to set any criteria ahead of time. This is just a normal conference registration. You still are on the hook for travel and accomodations. The world can compete for this discount code, and I'll decide on the 4th of July who gets it. You have until then to convince me that you deserve it. How you do that is up to you. I'm make my decision any way I like. This is not... Interview About the Moose Port of Catalyst- June 24, 2008 jjn1056 writes "In order to help the Catalyst developer community understand where our web application framework is going, I recently interviewed two of the developers leading the effort to port Catalyst to Moose. Transcript and discussion of the interview can be read at: Catamoose Interview" http:jjnapiorkowski.vox.comlibrarypostcatamoose.htmlRead more of this story at use Perl. |