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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for March 2004

Help Design the "Next Generation" Script Center - March 25, 2004

Hey, guys. I apologize for being absent for so long from this space, but this time of year it&8217;s hard for me to find the time to do things like blogs. Now, that might sound a bit odd; after all, as a Microsoft Scripting Guy, isn&8217;t it my job to do things like scripting blogs Well, to tell you the truth, it&8217;s not. People always say to me, &8220;Man, what a great job you have, just sitting around writing about scripting all day.&8221; And you know what: that is a great job; it&8217;s.

Book Review: Administrator's Top 10 Introductory Scripts - March 9, 2004

One of the reasons I thought we should do a scripting blog is because there are a lot of things (like book reviews) that we can&8217;t do on TechNet. Being somewhat na&239;ve, I thought the other Scripting Guys (who actually read computer books) would jump at the chance to share their opinions with you. So far, though, they&8217;ve kind of wienered out on me. I&8217;ll keep pushing them, however, because I know they have a lot of interesting things to share with the scripting...

Useful Scripts Please: Don't Ask - March 8, 2004

As I&8217;ve noted before, Microsoft really isn&8217;t anything at all like its reputation. For example, we&8217;re supposed to be the ruthless corporate bulldozer that simply crushes any human being that dares get in our way; in truth, though, we are probably the most politically-correct and overly-sensitive company in the history of the universe. Take our documentation (please!). In the Windows 2000 Scripting Guide, for example, I had a sentence that read something like this:   Learning..

The ... Joys ... of Scripting - March 3, 2004

Yesterday was an interesting day. I went into the little editor they have for this blog site, and &8211; like I always do &8211; copied the day&8217;s entry out of Word and pasted it into the editor. Everything looked hunky-dory, so I clicked the Submit button, logged out, and went back to work.   A little while later, I got a couple of emails telling me that the bottom half of the article was unreadable. That&8217;s nothing new; heck, most of the things I write are unreadable. When I went.
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