Agile Management BlogDavid J. Anderson's Agile Management Blog - The agile manager's recipe for success: focus on quality; reduce work-in-progress; balance demand against throughput; prioritize!3rd Annual State of Agile Development Survey- June 17, 2008 VersionOne are organizing the 3rd annual survey. This has proven to be the best industry survey over the last 2 years. Despite the fact, it is organized by a tools vendor, it's very independent. The quality of the survey relies on each and every one of you to participate and make it as good as it can be. Share in the summary results and earn the chance to win a prize! Take a few minutes now to fill out the survey and help us all understand just how well or not agile is being adopted in... APLN Summit: Early Bird Rate Expiring- June 15, 2008 You have 3 days remaining to register for the APLN Agile Leadership Summit in Seattle (July 17-18) and get the $100 earlybird discount. Don't miss out. This is a fantastic event, at a great venue, and is a steal at only $300. Register now and save! Technorati tag: APLN, Management, Leadership, Agile, Lean, Project+Management APLN Summit: Jeff Beehler Confirmed for Panel- June 13, 2008 I'm delighted to announce our 3rd panelist for our Agile Leadership Summit, on July 17th and 18th at The Edgewater hotel in Seattle, will be Jeff Beehler who runs the Visual Studio Team System product group at Microsoft. Jeff has experience a team of about 450 folks geographically spread and trying to change them to a more agile way of working for the traditional code'n'fix Microsoft PLC methodology. I was a big fan of Jeff's when I was at Microsoft. And I believe that our audience will love... APLN Summit: Avanade is our 4th Gold Sponsor- June 6, 2008 Avanade have been a long time supporter of the APLN in Seattle. They sponsor the local chapter meetings and provide us with a venue for our monthly meetings. Dale Christian, CIO, is one of our confirmed panelists. Today, I'm happy to announce that Avanade will be a Gold sponsor. They are our 4th confirmed Gold level sponsor. We only have one remaining Gold level sponsorship position. The Gold level has been selling fast and I know there is going to be some fierce competition for that last... APLN Summit: Erik Arnold Confirmed for Panel- June 6, 2008 I'm happy to announce that my former colleague Erik Arnold, VP of IT Services (and acting head of IT) for Corbis, has confirmed he will be one of our panelists for the APLN Agile Leadership Summit in Seattle, at the Edgewater Hotel on July 17-18. Don't miss out! Register now! Erik heads up one of the most effective agile IT shops in Seattle. They've demonstrated a solid reputation for releasing high quality software on a frequent basis and for building a highly collaborative trusting... APLN Summit: AMS Services will be a Gold Sponsor- June 6, 2008 AMS Services in Bothell, Washington is the latest firm to announce sponsorship for our event. We're delighted to have them involved and I'd like to thank them for their support of the APLN and the agile community in the Seattle area. We're working hard to make this a fantastic event and to keep the price down so low that registering is a no-brainer. Register now! and save $100 off the full price. Technorati tag: APLN, Management, Leadership, Agile, Lean, Project+Management, AMS+Services APLN Summit: More sponsors announced- June 5, 2008 SolutionsIQ will be a Gold Sponsor for our event. SolutionsIQ have both Brent Barton and Lance Young taking part running our Scrum track. SolutionsIQ is a long time supporter of the agile community in Seattle. They host the APLN Redmond chapter and co-sponsor the Seattle Scrum Users Group. We're glad to have them on-board. In addition, NetObjectives have confirmed they will be a Silver Sponsor. Thanks to both firms for supporting the agile community in Seattle and the APLN. Don't miss out.... Merrifield in Motion- June 4, 2008 I want to congratulate my friend Ric Merrifield on the publication of his article, "The Next Revolution in Productivity" in Harvard Business Review this month. This management approach which looks at capabilities rather than process flows has been around a few years at Microsoft. They used to call it "Motion." The article doesn't mention that name so I don't know whether they are still using it. Ric tells me that there is a book just around the corner and that he's really beginning to build... APLN Summit: VersionOne goes Gold- June 3, 2008 I'm delighted to announce that VersionOne are the first firm to confirm a Gold level sponsorship for the APLN Summit in Dallas. VersionOne has been a long time supporter of the APLN and we're glad to have their continued support. With VersionOne it is more than just money. They are supplying the badges and lanyards. In addition, Paul Culling has been an invaluable help with marketing on for the summit. He's helped us with pricing, strategy and awareness. Mike Cottmeyer of VersionOne, while an... |