Tonetheman's WeblogTonetheman's WeblogStill here...- April 16, 2004 Moving to another site is not as easy as I would like. I am looking into getting bellsouth DSL for my home and a static IP and then hosting it myself. The terms and service of bellsouth do not permit running a server... what is everyone else doing I wonder. I still have some investigating to do. And there have been so many stories that really scream for my mean spirited comments. And so it ends- April 9, 2004 I think that I have lived my life out on this free service and have nothing more to say here. At least nothing that will not get censored by a not so easy to find terms of service document. No hard feelings thought, to each his own. I will start my own server and wish you all the best of luck. Changes are afoot in theman's life and this is just one change of many. Good luck. War President- April 7, 2004 A picture of the war monger, made up of pictures of the people who have sacrificed the most. I got the pictures from The American Leftist where you will find larger version of the same picture. Who is that with Jeremy- April 7, 2004 Who is that with Jeremy is a funny site with lots of pictures of one kid with some really famous people. I thought that some of them looked photoshop but some of them looked real. Funny site. New Yorkers have it good. Slipping into obscurity- April 6, 2004 Ah now that my comments have gotten back to normal I think that I am going to just slip away into obscurity. My hits are back to normal and my 26 comment thread has fallen from the front page. The whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth though. I am not sure that I will continue to use this service any longer. I am still trying to decide... Web logs are strange really (I have said that before). I really started writing a web log to try to share my programming knowledge with the world.... Ticket selling and 5 Win2K boxes- April 6, 2004 Here is a sad tale about how 5 Win2K boxes are just not enough to sell tickets to the Glastonbury Festival. .Exe and Java- April 6, 2004 How can I make an exe from Java This is a post just about that. This guys is right, if you watch the news groups you see this question come up time and time again. Actually if you watch the Python groups you see the same thing. Anyway he give some ideas of how to handle the situtation. He refers to this article over at codeproject. (a great resource these days by the way)Ecelsior is a company that does this already but you gotta pay. The real question to me is... do you really need an exe Maybe. What is really happening on P2P networks- April 6, 2004 Funny post about what is really going on in the peer 2 peer networks. Some of the filenames this guy came up with were great, but what was sad was the amount of people downloading them. |