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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for August 2004

A Primer on the Interior Pointer - August 27, 2004

A value type is typically not subject to garbage collection except in two cases: (a) when it is the subject of a box operation, either explicit or implicit, such as, void f( int ix )     explicit placement on the CLI heap     int result = gcnew int( -1 );       exercise result       implicit boxing of the integer value ix     Console::WriteLine( "0 :: 1", ix, result ); ; and (b) when it is contained...

Translation Guide between Managed Extensions and the new C++CLI binding Available - August 22, 2004

C and C++ programmers are notorious for relying on pointer indirection, and it seems blog entries are not immune to this. A translation guide attempting to exhaustively detail the differences between the original Managed Extensions for C++ (released with Visual Studio.NET) and the revised C++ binding to the CLI scheduled for Visual Studio 2005 (and attempting to provide some motivation behind each change) has been posted on MSDN at the following URL:  ...

An Tour of the STL.NET - August 14, 2004

Part of the (reasonably pleasant) distractions from posting on this blog recently has been working up the first in a series of articles on STL.NET for our Visual C++ MSDN web site. The amount of work to get from an articulation of a topic to a formal publication of it is an amazingly labor-intensive 10% -- similar to the difference between prototyping a software solution and making it deployment ready. In any case, this relatively content-free entry is just to alert you of its going on-line at .

Why C++ Supports both Class and Typename for Type Parameters - August 11, 2004

Recently, someone asked me why we support both class and typename within C++ to indicate a type parameter since the keywords do not hold any platform significance for example, class is not meant to suggest a native type nor is typename meant to suggest a CLI type. Rather, both equivalently indicate that the name following represents a parameterized type placeholder that will be replaced by a user-specfied actual type. The reason for the two keywords is historical. In the original template...

Why C++CLI Supports both Templates for CLI Types and the CLI Generic Mechanism - August 6, 2004

I've been recently puzzling out a strategy for presenting the two mechanisms supporting parameterized types available to the C++CLI  programmer: she can use either the template mechanism adapted for use with CLI types, or the CLI generic mechanism. This is not unique to the support of parameterized types, of course, but it seems a lightening rod for pernicky questions: (1) isn't the support for two mechanisms that are similar in intent but which differ in both gross and subtle semantic...

Identifying the Candidate Function Set - August 2, 2004

Sorry it is taking me so long these days. I am in the throes of more formal writing &8211; a book on our CLI binding for C++, and a series of articles for our Visual C++ MSDN website on STL.NET. And my translation tool is happily going through a formal test cycle &8211; thank you Mitchell and Arjun &8211; and so I've been fixing bugs and being a developer once more again. So the blog gets bogged down. I thought I would follow up on the issue of overload function resolution. And so this entry...
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