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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2007

The Wayward WebLog

Oh, what a tangled web

LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part II - July 31, 2007

Now, that Ive laid the groundwork defining a reusable version of IQueryable and IQueryProvider, namely Query and QueryProvider, Im going to build a provider that actually does something. As I said before, what a query provider really does is execute a little bit of code defined as an expression tree instead of actual IL. Of course, it does not actually have to execute it in the traditional sense. For example, LINQ to SQL translates the query expression into SQL and sends it to the server to...

LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part I - July 30, 2007

Ive been meaning for a while to start up a series of posts that covers building LINQ providers using IQueryable. People have been asking me advice on doing this for quite some time now, whether through internal Microsoft email or questions on the forums or by cracking the encryption and mailing me directly. Of course, Ive mostly replied with Im working on a sample that will show you everything letting them know that soon all will be revealed. However, instead of just posting a full sample...

LINQ to SQL: Rico drops the other shoe - July 6, 2007

Rico has finally posted some numbers that show you the performance he's seeing with Beta 2 bits. ...(read more)
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