Yves DolceMCS Partner ISVC++: Class hierarchy diagrams for MFC (including Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack ones)- March 25, 2008 These diagrams show the relationship of classes within the MFC, including the original classes released with Visual Studio 2008 plus the additional classes provided with the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. http:www.microsoft.comdownloadsdetails.aspxFamilyID=294EB161-6855-4ABD-99B4-325C66A78377&displaylang=enhttp://blogs.msdn.com/yvesdolc/archive/2008/03/24/c-class-hierarchy-diagrams-for-mfc-inclu... C++: Digging into C++ Technical Report 1 (TR1)- March 5, 2008 If you're a C++ developer and not using yet the shared_ptr<> class, you're in for a surprise: http:channel9.msdn.comShowPost.aspxPostID=385821 The discussion below the video is also quite interesting: something like the "GC" camp vs. the "ref counting"... Thanks Stephan!http://blogs.msdn.com/yvesdolc/archive/2008/03/05/c-digging-into-c-technical-report-1-tr1.... |