Another Microsoft Bloggera weblog by cameron reillyinformation technology evolving similar to how American cities have evolved- April 20, 2004 I love essays like this that stretch my thinking and give me new conceptual models for understanding what I see happening each day. According to Pat Helland's &8220;Metropolis&8220; article, &8220;we are at approximately the early 1880's in urban development in our parallel IT shop's growth!&8220; I also like his explanation of why &8220;shared services will not be achieved by trying to put all of your applications on one version of one platform&8221;. I'm going to use. Making web forms easy with InfoPath and "InfoView"- April 16, 2004 InfoPath makes developing XML forms much easier than ever before. But how do you quickly make those forms available to people external to your organisation who may not be running InfoPath on their desktop yet Enter InfoView. A partner of ours in Sydney, Unique World Software, has recently released an exciting new tool called &8220;InfoView&8221;. InfoView uses the files created by Microsoft InfoPath to convert the InfoPath form to an ASP.NET web form able to be delivered through the browser.... Activewords scripting guide in PDF- April 11, 2004 I might actually figure out how to make this scripting stuff work! AW have recently released a guide in PDF format. Source: Marc VoIP Now Available on Pocket PCs For Free- April 7, 2004 This article on Skype for Pocket PC mentions that Skype was founded by the two guys who in vented Kazaa! That's news to me. Wow, talk about two guys changing paradigms... Channel9 gets media coverage down under!- April 7, 2004 Great to see ZDnet Australia giving Channel9 some early coverage! a look under the covers of Gmail - Google's new email service- April 5, 2004 I'm all excited reading miscoranda's drill-down into Gmail. This is big. As big as OutlookMT, Scoble I dunno. But it's big. Oh, I know, web mail is old hat. Yeah but so was &8220;search&8221; when Google jumped into the pond. Also laughing at Kevin Fox's post assuring everyone Gmail wasn't an April Fools Day joke and about why he loves working at a company like Google. Hey Kevin - if you're looking for more testers... give me a yell! Source:... why migrate from Microsoft ASP to Microsoft .NET- April 5, 2004 A few months ago I linked to an article in a local paper which mentioned that one of Australia's largest e-tailers was still running on Microsoft ASP and SQL 7. Nothing at all wrong with that, as far as I'm concerned - plenty of businesses out there are happily running on even 20 year-old technology. The challenge for vendors, though, is to make the new technology compelling enough to create a business justification for organisations to upgrade their infrastructure. Today one of the developers. the customer is in charge- April 5, 2004 McNealy (about why the deal came about): &8220;What I think is happening, is that the customer is getting more in charge. I challenge you to find large enterprise customers who are unhappy with this deal&8221;. What do customer's think of the Sun - Microsoft deal Does it matter to anyone besides Sun and MS Does anyone else care I've just spent ages scrolling through the comments on . and I can't see much analysis or opinion worth anything. I've read a few press comments and, again, no... Bungie announces HALO 2 product placement. Allegedly.- April 2, 2004 Revealing a brand synergy unprecedented in next generation gaming, Bungie today announced a list of vendors to be featured in-game in "Halo 2" the exciting sci-fi adventure heading to Xbox game systems this fall. Gee, I can&8217;t seem to find &8220;Mungo McIver, a Microsoft marketing expert&8221; in the GAL. How about that&8230;. Why Buffett bought Clayton- April 1, 2004 Been reading Warren Buffett's Letter to Berkshire Hathaway's shareholders in their 2003 Annual Report. It contains a great anecdote about how a group of students from the University of Tennessee helped him decide to purchase Clayton Homes. Really worth a read. |