API usability evaluation- May 5, 2005 Christopher Oezbek is keeping notes about an API usability evaluation he is doing using the cognitive dimensions.http://blogs.msdn.com/stevencl/archive/2005/05/05/415068.aspx HOWTO: Run an API usability study- May 5, 2005 With the task list in place and participants recruited, it's time to run the study. My experience has been that running an API usability study is really no different from running any other type of study. Here's a description of what I do. The day before the study I make sure that the machines I'll be using in the usability lab are set up. I install the necessary builds of Visual Studio and associated SDKs etc to be able to run the study. I always do this first thing in the morning just in case..http://blogs.msdn.com/stevencl/archive/2005/05/05/415016.aspx |