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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for August 2003

Suzanne Cook's .NET CLR Notes

Common Language Runtime Developer

Avoid DevPath - August 16, 2003

I hesitate to talk about this because I don't want people who don't know about it to think, "Hey, what's this DevPath thing I need that." But, maybe if I don't explain how to use it, it will be too much effort for people who don't already know how. :) (And, for those who already know how and are, in fact, using it, hopefully, they'll see this and get off that plan.) The intent of DevPath was to make the development environment less painful. Assemblies could be put there and bound to at...

ReflectionTypeLoadException - August 11, 2003

If a type can't be loaded for some reason during a call to Module.GetTypes(), ReflectionTypeLoadException will be thrown. Assembly.GetTypes() also throws this because it calls Module.GetTypes(). The Message for this exception is "One or more exceptions have been thrown while loading the types" or "Unable to load one or more of the types in the assembly", which doesn't seem very descriptive. But, the exception actually provides more info that that. Just get the LoaderExceptions property of the..
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