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Feed items 1 - 10 of 26 for June 2008 Articles

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How insiders hack SQL databases with free tools - June 30, 2008

When you find out how easy it is for insiders to hack SQL Server databases with a few free security tools and a little luck, you'll re-examine your database security practices.

How To Return a Result Set from a SQL Server 2005 CLR Stored Procedure - June 30, 2008

We occasionally come up with a requirement that would be a good fit for a CLR function or stored procedure. For instance we would like to call a stored procedure to get the list of files in a particular folder. How can we return the list of files as a standard result set (i.e. rows and columns) using the CLR

Calculating Age - June 30, 2008

T-SQL calculations can get tricky at times, and since you often work with multiple rows, it's good to be exact in your data manipulation. New author Lynn Pettis brings us an article about calculating ages.

Many-to-Many Dimensions in Analysis Services 2005 - June 27, 2008

See an example of using the Many-to-Many dimension in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services to analyze sales data, and get ideas for other uses such as treating medical conditions, software testing, and more.

SQL Server memory configurations for procedure cache - June 27, 2008

SQL Server expert Denny Cherry explains how SQL Server determines how much memory is used for procedure and buffer cache and how you can allocate available memory.

Log Shipping vs. Replication - June 27, 2008

SQL Server high availability. Log shipping or replication, clustering or some other solution. It's a challenge and as companies grow more dependent on their databases, it's one that more and more DBAs face everyday. Paul Ibison has taken a look at how log shipping and replication can be compared in the quest for high availability.

SQL Know How - June 26, 2008

Training in the UK this fall from a variety of SQL Server experts. If you are in the area, I'd recommend one of these classes.

Return Query Text Along With sp_who2 Using Dynamic Management Views - June 26, 2008

This article describes how to generate the sp_who2 results including the query text for the spid.

PASS 2008 Summit Sessions - June 26, 2008

The program sessions for the 2008 PASS Summit are now online.

Check your SQL Server using Windows PowerShell Part 1 - June 26, 2008

This new series examines methods and procedures to check the status of the Operating system, SQL Server instances and databases, using Windows PowerShell. Part One illustrates how to create a PowerShell script to ping the host machine and how to source the PowerShell function and call the function.
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