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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for November 2007

Thinking inside the box

Thinking inside the box

Several new Rmetrics packages - November 21, 2007

Debian has provided Rmetrics packages for financial engineering and computational finance since the Rmetrics release for R 1.9.0 in the summer of 2004. Over the years, Rmetrics has gotten more granular and changed from a handful of packages to two handfuls --- and the most recent release extended this trend even further to almost two dozen packages as shown in this chart. Rmetrics now comprosises over twenty individual packages. Eleven new packages were added in the 260.72 release for..

New York Marathon 2007 - November 7, 2007

I was in New York last weekend to run the 37th New York Marathon which reportedly currently stands as the largest marathon ever run in terms of starters and finishers. And it couldn't have happened on a nicer day: sunny at the start with temperatures in the 50s, no wind, and some clouds in the second half prevented it from getting too hot. Large crowds at most parts of the course, a decent number of bands, and a generally very excited atmosphere. And of course a nice course across the five...
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