John Stossel: These oil companies are heroes.- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Last night, CNN's Larry King Live stacked its show with oil, coal, and nuclear apologists. One of the show's guests -- prominent libertarian pundit John Stossel -- said of Big Oil: "I think these oil companies are heroes." Watch it: The Wonk Room's Brad Johnson reveals CNN's pro-energy industry bias. Specter switched his vote on Medicare bill after last-minute deal with White House.- (Found July 2, 2008 ) On Thursday, a bill "that would have blocked a 10.6 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors fell just one vote short of the 60 it needed for passage." Politico reports that the White House pushed vulnerable senators to switch their votes in some "eleventh-hour" dealings. Officials promised Sen. Arlen ... McCain In 2003: I Absolutely Dont Believe Military Service Alone Qualifies Somebody For President- (Found July 2, 2008 ) This Sunday, on CBS's Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer commented that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) may not have the experience to be president because he has not "ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down." After having already expressed his respect for McCain's military record, Gen. Wesley Clark ... Two-thirds of Americans concerned that McCain will continue Bushs policies.- (Found July 2, 2008 ) In a new Gallup poll, 68 percent of Americans say they are either "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) "would pursue policies that are too similar to what George W. Bush has pursued." Nearly half of respondents -- 49 percent -- said they were "very concerned": Here ... Webb: Bush Made A Real Bad Mistake On GI Bill, I Think He Blew It- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Yesterday, President Bush signed legislation that included Sen. Jim Webb's (D-VA) 21st Century GI Bill. In his signing speech, Bush praised himself and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for "working hard" to pass the legislation: The bill is a result of close collaboration between my administration and members of both parties on ... ThinkFast: July 1, 2008- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Senior Pentagon officials are concerned about the "increasing likelihood" that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities "before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world. The Iraqi government announced ... Washington Times Calls Out McCain For Lying About Support For 1986 Immigration Legislation- (Found July 2, 2008 ) As ThinkProgress noted on Saturday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) made inconsistent immigration pledges in a speech to the National Association of Latino Elected Officials, claiming he would both "secure our borders first and make comprehensive reform his top priority: -- We can and will secure our borders first, while respecting the ... McCain confuses Sudan and Somalia.- (Found July 2, 2008 ) John McCain misspoke and confused his African countries while talking to reporters on the Straight Talk Express today. This time, he was bailed out not by Joe Lieberman, but by his close aide Mark Salter. How can we bring pressure on the government of Somalia McCain asked, which prompted Mark ... Desire For Change Not Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Does In Congressman Cannon- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Our guest blogger is Henry Fernandez, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund focusing on state and municipal policy. When Utah Congressman Chris Cannon lost the Republican primary last week to Jason Chaffetz, anti-immigrant groups were quick to define it as an example of a candidate winning ... Right-Wing Apoplectic Over Pixars WALL-E: Malthusian Fear Mongering, Fascistic Elements- (Found July 2, 2008 ) This weekend, Pixar's latest film "WALL-E" debuted at No. 1, earning $65 million at the box office. The film has been hailed by critics, scoring a whopping 97 percent "Fresh" rating on RottenTomatoes. The film portrays a lonely robot's quest for love, as he is left to clean up a trashed ... |