Words of Waldman"That's not writing, it's typing"'Even the cars look they've spent the morning in the beauty salon'- February 29, 2004 Barbra Ellen interviews Alicia Silverstone about Miss Match, which frankly is sugary nonsense compared to Sex In the City (they're both created by Darren Star), and seems set to be removed from the TiVo 'season pass' list very soon. Also...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/even_the_cars_l.html Belle has a book deal- February 26, 2004 As spotted by LinkmachineGo in yesterday's Times Belle de Jour, the internets most talked-about web diary, has a book deal. According to Publishers Marketplace, the London call girl, who may or may not be a literary name masquerading as a...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/belle_has_a_boo.html eBay: even the anarchists' online marketplace- February 24, 2004 A brief glimpse to another world today, when someone showed me Anarchy Online a massive multi-player game. Completely not my thing (frankly, my gaming stopped with Street Fighter 2). The game itself is of no interest to me...but what's fascinating...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/ebay_even_the_a.html I find it peculiar...- February 23, 2004 That the world and his wife stand up to slag off Sex Lives of the Potato Men, and say it's shocking that it should have been given 900K from the lottery; while hardly anyone outside local media is kicking up...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/i_find_it_pecul.html Devotion to a dying art..- February 22, 2004 Albumize (vb int) spend hours putting photos into albums - either physical or digital. Most of the weekend has been spent in a mad whirl of old school albumization (ie putting real prints into real albums). Part indexing-hell, part pure...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/devotion_to_a_d.html The life and death of a cockle picker- February 20, 2004 Excellent piece of reporting about Yh Hui, one of those who died in Morcambe bay.http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/the_life_and_de.html Software idol...- February 19, 2004 Piece in today's Online about a piece of software called Vocaloid which is one of those. Basically it's a singing synthesiser: you type the words, give it the notes and it sings for you in one of a number of...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/software_idol.html World Spy: a recent convert writes..- February 18, 2004 Late as ever to catch anything...I stumble across the brilliant collection of neologisms that is The Word Spy after kottke reveals it's been turned into a book. Particularly like: mucus trooper (MYOO.kus troo.pur) n. An employee with a cold or...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/world_spy_a_rec.html Now there's a headline you don't see every day...- February 18, 2004 . Actually, he's talking about Billy Bragg's ingenious plan for Lords Reform: which do seem shockingly simple, obvious and fair compared to many of the others floated. Next, Phil Collins' plans for solving our rail crisis; and David Aaronovitch: 'I...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/now_theres_a_he.html CNet: iPod mini is wonderful, but.....- February 16, 2004 They say: "Apple comes through again with a near-perfect MP3 player". . Loads of 'For's', but the 'Against's' are equally compelling, and Apple need to look at them. Namely: "No FM radio or recording capabilities; nonreplaceable battery". John Naughton was...http://wow.blogs.com/words/2004/02/cnet_ipod_mini_.html |