The Venture Skills BlogSEO and Drupal CMS blendedHow to track Social Media Users with Google Analytics- December 22, 2007 One of the questions we are often asked is how we track various social media sites users and their interaction with sites the answer is in a variety of ways but here is just one of the techniques we use with Google Analytics. Please note: through out this article we use the new ga.js script rather ... Stage 1 of our move- December 14, 2007 Quick note to say stage 1 of the move is now over please say hello to our new address This is just the first part of a large move so hold on tight and enjoy the ride Where are the Mybloglog Clones- December 13, 2007 Something to think about for a moment; If you truly are a superstar in the Web2.0 scene you need groupies and copy cats, Mybloglog has groupies but not that many copy cats (excluding BlogCatalog but I wouldn&8217;t call them copy cats). The Mybloglog principle is simple at its heart is a basic tacking and profiling system but ... Does social begging work- December 8, 2007 Mailing lists, IM groups stumble me stumble you forum posts, do any of these schemes to maximise social media traffic actually work Well lets find out How we do the tests Myself and a team of caring slaves (researchers) pour over logs provided to us by website owners as well as our own sites, we submit and ... |