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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for May 2008

Atomized junior

Dedicated to the smallest particles of meaning on the web

Re: Public - May 22, 2008

 Natural disasters reveal a societies structure. They reveal a cultures hidden joints and weak points. These parts are habitually papered over by the surplus of normal give and take an appear non-the-worse for it. But strong winds strip this away: China: 40,000 dead, 5 million homeless after quake - , Myanmar Raises Cyclone Toll to 78,000. Particularly emergencies reveal the nature of the governing elites relation to the people. They do that with growing clarity...

Carrier - May 15, 2008

I watched the entire ten hours of PBS's documentary CARRIER PBS (the life of an Aircraft Carrier) the other week. I think I was the only person of those I know who did. That put a bit of a dent in what all else I got done that week, but it was worth it. I was immersed engaged captivated. I spent most of year once on one of those things. A television special like this answers two questions for me: What was going on around me back then, what was it all about And who was I then The first...

Blast! - May 9, 2008

Somewhere in the course of writing the previous post one of those hay fever related spring-time colds caught up with me and pretty much brought mental forward progress to a halt for a few weeks. The FEC post seemed weak and I lost interest in it and began writing on the PBS Aircraft Carrier 10 hour special which aired last week. Inspired by that, I also began working on some stories from my own days living on an Aircraft Carrier, and the people I knew then. I regard myself as being promised...
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