Topsight.netDiscussions on computers and beyondMonth of Apple bug fixes- January 9, 2007 Landon Fuller has taken on the challenge of patching each of the bugs reported by the month of apple bugs project. Thus far He's been able to patch each bug in about a day. As rumor has it, the month of apple bug project now plans on giving advance notice to Fuller to develop patches that will be released as the bugs are released. For more info on Fullers project see: http:landonf.bikemonkey.orgcodemacosx Why blurring sensitive information is a bad idea- January 8, 2007 We've all seen it: on cops over license plates, on other TV shows over credit card and check numbers, and all over the web over many sensitive areas of documents. Blurring has been a long accepted way of eliminating information. This however, has all changed. A recent project proved that these numbers can easily be brute forced by simply clearing out the original blurr, typing a new random number, blurring the new number, then comparing that image to the original. For more... Hitachi Creates First 1TB Desktop Drive- January 5, 2007 From has announced what it claims is the world's first 1TB desktop hard drive, pledging to ship the beast later this quarter, with enterprise- and consumer electronics-oriented versions to follow in Q2.The 3.5in Desktar 7K1000 will cost &36;399 at retail, but Hitachi will also offer a cheaper, 750GB model too. The drive spins at 7,200rpm and connects across a 3Gbps SATA bus, though the media data rate peaks at just over 1Gbps. It has 32MB of on-board buffer memory, a... Month of Apple Bugs- January 2, 2007 This initiative aims to serve as an effort to improve Mac OS X, uncovering and finding security flaws in different Apple software and third-party applications designed for this operating system. A positive side-effect, probably, will be a more concerned (security-wise) user-base and better practices from the management side of Apple. Also, we want to develop and provide tools and documented techniques to aid security research in this platform. If nothing else, we had fun working on it and hope.. New user registration- January 1, 2007 New user registration is now open to any one interested. By registering with Topsight you'll be able to write and post your own stories. To register simple goto: http:www.topsight.netusers.phpmode=new and complete the required fields. Fierce Domain Scan - DNS Name discovery- January 1, 2007 From: Fierce domain scan was born out of personal frustration after performing a web application security audit. It is traditionally very difficult to discover large swaths of a corporate network that is non-contiguous. It's terribly easy to run a scanner against an IP range, but if the IP ranges are nowhere near one another you can miss huge chunks of networks. First what fierce is not. Fierce is not an IP scanner, it is not a DDoS tool, it is not designed to scan the whole. A General Review of vulnerability scanners- January 1, 2007 From few months back I did some intense testing of all the best vulnerability scanners out there I had a couple nix boxes hooked up, as well as some dozers, and figured I could add clients to a once-a-week scanning contract. So naturally, I wanted to use the scanner that was the best for my purpose.Read more at www.askapache.com |