What is the right way to apply bronzer And what kind should I use (powder, cream, gel) When I do it, I always feel like my face looks dirty.- August 3, 2004 The key to natural, believable bronzer is in the application, as much as in the actual formula and color of the bronzer. No matter which bronzer you select, it should be applied on your face where the sun would naturally...http://www.makeupdiva.com/archives/003106.html It's summer and I love wearing sandals - but my feet look terrible! I could just slap some polish on my toenails, but my feet need more help than that- August 3, 2004 Summertime is always tough on feet. They are exposed to the elements, and it's just not the time when we are willing to hide out battle-worn feet in clunky, closed toed shoes! Summer is the time for light, strappy, and...http://www.makeupdiva.com/archives/003105.html |