Technology Evaluation CentersTechnology Evaluation Centers - News Analysis and Research. Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. (TEC) is the impartial advocate for end users and purchasers of enterprise software solutions. It has aided IT professionals with software selection since 1993.Your Guide to Enterprise Software Selection: Part Two- December 28, 2007 Enterprise software selection is a risky undertaking. Even after you've determined your requirements, the crucial software assessment and negotiation phases are potential minefields. Find out how you can reduce the risk involved in choosing a solution that meets your needs. Your Guide to Enterprise Software Selection: Part One- December 26, 2007 Enterprise software selection is a risky undertaking for any organization. Find out how you can reduce the risk with a best-practice approach to assessment, evaluation, and selectionand learn how to reduce the time and cost involved in choosing the right solution. Software Evaluation and Software Selection- December 17, 2007 Organizations are surrounded by ambiguity when making their implementation decisions. Accurate and relevant criteria that are properly weighed against an enterprise's needs, what-if scenarios, and supporting graphics and reports are essential when making a software selection. |