Asthma NewsNews on Asthma continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Foundation worried by tobacco lobby revelation- July 4, 2008 Friday, 4 July 2008, 12:46 pm Press Release: Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand Asthma and Respiratory Foundation Media statement For immediate Use 4 July, 2008 Asthma Foundation worried by ... Lessons learned from Katrina can help you protect your health- July 3, 2008 Iowans can learn from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, said University of Iowa toxicology professor Peter Thorne, who studied the health hazards of cleanup in New Orleans. Asthma in Infants Tough to Nail Down- July 2, 2008 The symptoms of asthma in infants can be so subtle that you don't even realize infant asthma might be involved. Don't let asthma keep you indoors this summer- July 2, 2008 Heat and humidity during long summer days can take its toll and cause us to slow down. Asthma risk increases in children treated for HIV- July 2, 2008 Children whose immune systems rebound after treatment with potent anti-viral drugs for HIV infection face an increased risk of developing asthma, said a federally funded consortium of researchers led by those ... Aerocrine: China Opens up to Aerocrine's Asthma Test- July 1, 2008 Tests for airway inflammation have received a reimbursement code. In December last year, NIOX , Aerocrine ' s larger device, was registered by the SFDA, the Chinese equivalent of the FDA. Nothing to Sneeze at- July 1, 2008 Pasta, vegetables, liberal use of olive oil and a little meat highlights the typical Mediterranean diet. Spotting And Treating Asthma- July 1, 2008 More and more people each year are diagnosed with asthma, although some of the symptoms may be hard to detect. |