Happy 34th- November 24, 2003 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Auburn, Happy Birthday to you.http://www.trommetter.org/diary/archives/2003/11/happy_34th.php Basketball Practice- November 19, 2003 Last Saturday Rachel had her first basketball practice. She had such a good time. This her first time playing an organized competive sport. I was so proud of her for all of her effort . I do believe she will do very well and lots of fun. Little slugger has moved up underneath my right rib cage causing some pain at times. Being hit in the ribs is not a great feeling. It makes sleeping on my right side pretty awkward too. When I do I wake up with terrible lower back pain. It feels like...http://www.trommetter.org/diary/archives/2003/11/basketball_prac.php Muscle Release- November 7, 2003 Yes, I said muscle release. All the sudden the abdominal muscles just gave way. This is the first week anyone has actually asked me when I am due without my saying I am pregnant. Big, big, change and I mean big. Little slugger sure is active. I think he might be a sports fan as sometimes it feels like he is doing the "wave" in my belly. I like to watch my belly move as he kicks and punches and resituates himself. Rachel grows impatient watching although at times when she has sat on my...http://www.trommetter.org/diary/archives/2003/11/muscle_release.php |