The Practical NomadEdward Hasbrouck's blogResults of requests for my "targeting" records- September 21, 2007 Following the disclosure in late 2006 of the USA government's illegal Automated Targeting System (ATS), which has been secretly keeping dossiers on tens of millions of innocent international travelers to and from the USA, I and several other activists requested our ATS files under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act. The information we eventually received has been oddly and substantially incomplete (I am appealing the government's failure to provide my entire ATS file),... Public hearing in Washington on "Secure Flight"- September 14, 2007 An obscure notice buried in the Federal Register on 5 September 2007 announced a public meeting in Washington, DC, on Thursday, 20 September 2007, to hear comments on the Department of Homeland Security's "Secure Flight" scheme for additional control and monitoring of domestic air travel within the USA. The current Secure Flight proposal was published in the Federal Register 23 August 2007. If you can't make it to Washington on Thursday, you can submit comments in writing on docket... |