The Practical NomadEdward Hasbrouck's registry sold -- again- February 22, 2008 The owners of the registry for Internet domain names ending in ".travel" have announced plans for another sale of the .travel registry business, raising renewed questions about Tralliance's compliance with its contractual commitments to ICANN as well as about the lack of transparency of ICANN's decision making and ICANN's compliance with its own bylaws. According to a report in Travel Weekly (free registration required) by Dan Luzadder, who has been doing the most in-depth reporting on .travel. Money for travellers from class action lawsuit- February 11, 2008 If you are from the USA, and reading this blog, you are probably eligible to get some money from a class action lawsuit you might not have heard about. You can get at least $25 for the asking (and maybe many times more) if at any time between 1996 and 2006 you used a card with a Visa or MasterCard logo to make a purchase or withdraw money from an ATM in any country other than the USA (yes, including Canada and Mexico) andor in any currency other than US dollars. To get your money, you need... Will you really need a "Real-ID" to fly- February 3, 2008 There's been a lot of confusion in the last few weeks as to (1) whether the USA Federal "Real-ID Act" will change the requirements for personal identification documents for airline passengers in the USA, and (2) if and when the Real-ID Act is fully implemented, will it be impossible to fly without showing a government-issued "Real-ID" document Now that the final rules for implementation of the Real-ID Act have been published, those questions can be answered simply and definitively: No, and... |