Trout Run NewsLocal news for Trout Run, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fishing report- March 24, 2008 Despite the lingering effects of the week's rain, Thursday's mild weather sparked some fishing. via PittsburghLIVE.com Nude driver causes crash, witnesses say- March 22, 2008 "So I walked away from that car and let another woman talk to her." A naked Perry County woman speeding against traffic on Routes 11-15 Thursday caused a three-car crash that sent three people to the hospital. via Dailyitem.com Naked driver causes pileup in Shamokin Dam- March 20, 2008 Three people were sent to the hospital after a three car accident caused by a naked woman driving the wrong way on Routes 11-15 Thursday morning. via Dailyitem.com Rt. 15 Repairs Underway in Lycoming County- March 15, 2008 "Absolutely safety is the issue here." Cogan House Township, Lycoming County- More than 40 years of improvements to Route 15 in Central Pennsylvania will wrap up with a $60 million repair project in northern Lycoming County. via PAHomepage.com George Announces $746,000 Boost to Stream Clean-Ups- March 7, 2008 "Water resources and watersheds are vital to our future" State Rep. Camille "Bud" George, D-74 of Clearfield County said that more than $746,000 in Growing Greener grants have been awarded locally to help restore abandoned-mine-damaged streams. via GantDaily.com |