Turtle Lake NewsLocal news for Turtle Lake, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Taft-Burdick engagement- May 31, 2008 The parents of Trisha Taft and Josh Burdick, both of Sand Creek, are pleased to announce the couple's engagement.http://www.topix.net/city/turtle-lake-wi/2008/05/taft-burdick-engagement?fromrss=1 St. Croix Casino's guests can help area food pantries- May 29, 2008 Food pantries in the area will receive needed help early this summer thanks to an ongoing program of the St.http://www.topix.net/city/turtle-lake-wi/2008/05/st-croix-casinos-guests-can-help-area-foo... Deadly ATV Crash in Barron County- May 24, 2008 One person is dead after an ATV vs. deer crash in Barron County. It happened at about 9:30 Thursday night near Turtle Lake on 10 12 avenues, one mile west of the Twin Town Store.http://www.topix.net/city/turtle-lake-wi/2008/05/deadly-atv-crash-in-barron-county?fromrss... |