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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for May 2008

Attachment Parenting Blog: Raising Children with Love

Run by an attachment parenting dad with three kids, this site is your best place to learn more about attachment parenting, keep up-to-date on parenting news, and much more.

Signing "Ask for ID" on my credit cards invalidates them - May 30, 2008

I had a weird experience at the Post Office this afternoon when I tried to buy a roll of stamps and am hoping some of my blog pals can offer up some thoughts... When I got the latest wave of credit cards I decided that this time, instead of signing them, I'd write "Ask for ID" on the back, as a bit of a fraud protection and identity theft prevention. So far, it's distressing to see how few people actually care about asking for my ID, even when I point out that's what I've written on the back..

... and still, sometimes bedtime just stinks - May 29, 2008

Last night I was at a workshop until 10.30pm, which wouldn't have been a big deal if my kids would have cooperated with the babysitter and gone to sleep when they were supposed to. But they didn't and when I walked in, there they were, sitting in the living room, lights low, like zombies, waiting for me. I chalked it up to the exacerbated separation fear brought on by our separation and the two different houses that they now inhabit: in fact, it was the first time they had a babysitter at...

Taste Test: Hansen's Junior Water - May 27, 2008

Sometimes being a blogger is crazy fun, like when the PR agency from Hansen Beverage Company contacted me and asked if they could send along some product samples for the kids to try. The product Their new "Junior Water" product. I said "sure, but no guarantees anyone will like it, that we'll write positively about the product or that we'll ever actually write about it in the end." They were okay with that clause and sent us a box of little juice boxes and a nifty little USB flash drive with.

I'm a movie geek, I admit it - May 18, 2008

So here's something weird: I'm a huge fan of the cinema, both for the classic films and the latest big productions. I average a movie a day and have seen thousands upon thousands of movies in my life. I have seen about 95% of the American Film Institute's Top 100 Films, for example (I blogged a while back about having seen only 89 of them, but have seen more since). Go to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) Top 250 Films and I've seen all but about 20 or so. (subtract all the Italian films and...

How do you explain sex and "Free Condoms!" to your kids - May 12, 2008

Rather an amusing situation happened over the weekend: I was in the touristy downtown area of Boulder with G- (8) and K- (4) having a good time wandering around. We'd just stepped out of Ben & Jerry's after enjoying some delicious ice cream and G- spotted someone across the pedestrian mall with a basket and a sign that said free condoms It didn't take more than a second or two for him to ask "Daddy, what's a condom" Ah, well... Hmm.... Please continue reading How do you explain sex and "Free.

The Secret Joy of a Proper Child Residence Arrangement - May 5, 2008

Without doing any research or checking with anyone, when Linda and I separated, we decided on a quite complicated two-household arrangement that maximized the solo time each child had with each parent. We did check after a month or two with a local psychiatrist and her comment was basically "wow, if you can do this, it's good for the kids, but I think it's going to prove difficult." Our arrangement, on a typical week, was: Monday: G- with me, A- and K- with Mom, Tuesday G- and K- with me, A-...

How do single dads (and working mothers) cope with summer holiday - May 1, 2008

I feel a bit trapped right now. Linda and I are changing our parenting time arrangements so that all the kids are with her some days and then they're all with me on other days. If you've read parenting post divorce type books, we're probably going to be moving to a 2-5-5-2 arrangement. Prior to this we had a more complicated 2-2-2-1 sort of arrangement, staggered, so that each child had solo time with each of us every week. Too many darn transitions, though, so we're moving to a more normal,...
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