Bad Boys II NewsNews on Bad Boys II continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.The Onion: CGI Oscar for Bay- February 23, 2008 "The podium, the backdrop, the sense of creative achievement that hangs about him - it's all so vivid and detailed that you'd swear it was real." The Onion, an online satire site, decided to have a little fun with Michael Bay by writing an article "reporting" that experts have used visual special effects to create a Best Director Oscar for Bay. via Transformers Live Metro Pulse- February 20, 2008 "I just got through meeting with the people at IFC and they said they loved the show, but they were getting the most feedback from the live specials" In 1984, Henry Rollins wanted to kick my ass. Black Flag was about to play its first Knoxville show at The Library on Cumberland Avenue. via Metropulse.com Shia LaBeouf Talks Transformers 2 - Says It's 'Massive'- February 16, 2008 "I know of a few things I have to work on for the next one" How coincidental is it that the week the writers strike ends is the same we week we get an overabundance of early buzz on Transformers 2 . A few days ago Michael Bay was talking about how he had written most of ... via Firstshowing.net Movie Reviews- February 10, 2008 "Hey, isn't Kate Hudson your daughter" Issue date: 2808 Section: Features f.february8.preemptive.aaron "Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins" By Aaron Peck Getting stabbed in the eye, lighting off firecrackers in a closed fist, getting a paper cut on those ... via The Statesman Movie Review: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins- February 8, 2008 What the hell happened to Martin Lawrence Wasn't he one of the top comedians of his time Didn't he have a spectacularly popular television show I knew this guy was going downhill when Bad Boys II was ... via Film School Rejects |