The Chaoszone WeblogSoftware Development, Digital Rights, Life In India, and occasional bits of Mindless Link Propagation.The Hallows Approach (and Predictions)- July 20, 2007 The final Harry Potter book comes out in less than 24 hours, and while the media hype has been immense, it does not take away from the fact that these were very good books indeed &8212; much better than the vast majority of children&8217;s lit and a good swathe of &8220;adult&8221; lit. It&8217;s pretty rare ... Fun with synthesized RSS feeds- July 9, 2007 In an ideal world everyone would have full-content RSS feeds. Until then making your own isn&8217;t that hard &8212; and it&8217;s getting easier by the day with mash-up tools like Yahoo Pipes. Here are some I&8217;ve created: Digg Direct - links directly to the stories, instead of wasting your time with Digg&8217;s comments page (Python source). BBC&8217;s ... |