Wild SoundCynthia RockwellThe End of Silverdocs, the End of the World- June 23, 2008 I was on the programming committee for Silverdocs this year, which has made the question of blogging a bit confusing for me&8212;how do you review an event that you had a hand in creating An event which you were able to &8220;attend&8221; in a scattered way while running back and forth between introducing filmmakers and ...http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ceerock/2008/06/23/the-end-of-silverdocs-the-end-of-the-world... Silverdocs: Dust- June 18, 2008 A funny thing happened in the screening of Dust, a German film about the infinitesimal particles that we consider insignificant yet battle daily, in futility, to get rid of. I had high hopes for the film, as it seems there is such poetic possibility in this tiny disregarded stuff that is much stronger ...http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ceerock/2008/06/18/silverdocs-dust/ Silverdocs: Head Wind- June 17, 2008 Leave it to me to get teary-eyed from a film about Iranians installing illegal Satellite TV dishes. But near the end of this film, which takes an often humorous approach to the proliferation of foreign TV programs and internet access in Iran despite the government&8217;s tireless efforts to prevent it, two of the film&8217;s subjects ...http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ceerock/2008/06/17/silverdocs-head-wind/ Its Silverdocs Time Again- June 7, 2008 &8230;and I&8217;ll be there. I had the pleasure of previewing some shorts for the festival, the highlight of which is the newest from Jay Rosenblatt, the man who had me bawling my eyes out in the sheep-shearing scene of his Phantom Limb a couple years back at Silverdocs. We also studied a few of his ...http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ceerock/2008/06/07/its-silverdocs-time-again/ Where Has the Year Gone- June 2, 2008 I don&8217;t know but I didn&8217;t think you&8217;d be interested in hearing detailed fangirl analysis of my latest obsession: So I haven&8217;t blogged much. But expect a Silverdocs preview coming soon&8230;http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ceerock/2008/06/02/where-has-the-year-gone/ |