Welcome to my crazy lifeWelcome to my crazy life - LiveJournal.comOh what a tangled web...- February 24, 2007 Yesterday I was working with a product called Doxygen which profiles and documents code. One of its functions is that it will create a call graph and caller graph, but it needed an external package called Graphviz. I started wondering about what else the package would do, and that led me to think of stuff I could graph, and then it came to me... Facebook friends! So I spent an hour or two last night writing up the Perl code to grab a list of friends off Facebook, and created the required...http://luxgladius.livejournal.com/45421.html Catching up- February 22, 2007 It's a slow lunch period, so I think I'll write up a quick entry. I think I haven't done so in, what, like 4 months I guess I'm due.Perhaps one of the reasons I'm not updating as much is that life is moving in a kind of perpetual sameness. I get up somewhere between 5:00 and 6:30, get ready, pack lunches and head out the door. I come home, try to get something decently healthy ready for dinner, and usually we eat while watching some TV program or the other. I clean up the kitchen (most of the...http://luxgladius.livejournal.com/45246.html |