Albion NewsLocal news for Albion, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Residents Close to the Epicenter Of Friday's Tornado Hope The Worst Is Over- April 23, 2008 "I dispatch for a lot of tornados and severe weather, and California can keep their earthquakes" By Alex Fees -- The residents of Edwards County in eastern Illinois are accustomed to being threatened this time of year by tornados and flooding. via KSDK-TV Saint Louis Downstate Residents Describe Earthquake- April 21, 2008 "As of right now, we can't go in there until an inspector comes by and chances are they're going to condemn it, and I don't even know if they're going to let us get our stuff out or not" A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit southern Illinois and shook states as far away as Georgia and Michigan. via Cbs2chicago.com Earthquake rattles Tri-State- April 19, 2008 "Obviously, it depends on what the soil is where you're at, and what type of building you're in" Wabash Valley Seismic Zone produced quake U.S. Geological Survey LINK: GOOGLE MAP OF EPICENTER An earthquake rattled the Tri-State and much of the Midwest in the early morning hours Friday, causing minor damage ... via Evansville Courier & Press Charges Brought Against Accused Albion, Illinois Serial Killer- April 11, 2008 Prosecutors in Marion County, Indiana filed charges Thursday against Bruce Mendenhall, the suspected serial killer from southern Illinois. via TristateHomepage.com |