Allendale NewsLocal news for Allendale, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ill. Renaissance man lives to learn- January 21, 2008 "If people want to buy something, that's great. Or they can just wave as they drive by. Is my life based on making money No." Dallas Krumm has a master's degree and has taught for many years at the high school and college levels. via The Evansville Courier and Press Commodities expected to soar- January 7, 2008 "Smokers, presumably because they are more present-oriented, are more likely to self-select into jobs that have lower wage growth and invest less in their own human capital" Somehow, sometime this year, crop prices will hit a peak. Most agricultural analysts and traders can agree on that once they look up from their charts and tune out the noise of the pits. via Chicago Sun-Times |