Arrowsmith NewsLocal news for Arrowsmith, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Record crop piling up at elevators- October 24, 2007 "As things went on, we saw the crop was going to be big. ... In the end it was maybe a little bit bigger than we thought it would be" By Michelle Koetters BLOOMINGTON -- Evergreen FS Grain Manager Steve Dennis has never moved so much grain so fast. via The Pantagraph Residents praise Saybrook substation- October 19, 2007 "The response time is 45 minutes." ' Diane Wilson said youths used to frequently race cars and four-wheelers on the gravel road near her home, and people met nearby for what she suspected were drug deals. via The Pantagraph Trash burns cause field fires in McLean, nearby counties- October 2, 2007 "From what I've heard, the yields have been very good" ' Out-of-control trash burns ignited many of the field fires in McLean and neighboring counties over the weekend, causing damage to valuable farmland while keeping rural firefighters busy. via The Pantagraph |